Elementary School: Taller I y II

Environment prepared for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Elementary School: Taller I y II

Environment prepared for little ones from 6 to 12 years old.

Montessori Elementary

The Montessori environment at the elementary level promotes the development of imagination and abstract thinking in a balanced way through tangible and manipulative materials.

Everything that surrounds boys and girls has to do with their interests and needs. By covering a period of human growth characterized by the development of social skills, respect and community life are promoted.

“Education based on the respect, life,
community and joy” - Maria Montessori

Cosmic education is the program we carry out with primary school students. This education plan
covers all the elements of knowledge: biology, geography, history,
language, mathematics, geometry, algebra, history, physical education, health, and art.

At Montessori Lancaster we are prepared to give the boys and girls the necessary tools
for this stage, so workshops I and II will be the basis of their future,
they will spend six years forming habits, customs, nurturing values and a sense of justice,
which they will serve as a guide for your future life.

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